Saturday, April 11, 2009

Why house church?

Why house church?

Well, there are many reasons. The more you get to know us and spend time with us, the more you’ll understand. But, let me share a few of the main reasons.

When I first came to know Jesus in a personal way, it was through the influence of a “normal” church. In those early days, I was reading my Bible and more specifically, the New Testament and what I had experienced in minimal ways in church to this point and what I was reading about in the stories of the early church were two very different things.

Years went by and I grew like crazy! After some initial struggle, I followed God into “full-time” ministry as a youth pastor in a “normal” church. I spent almost 10 years doing that, learning the ins and outs of church life, loving teenagers and learning leadership in a local church. We had lots of fun playing football, having late night worship services, and just hanging out together. One thing I noticed in that time is that our mission trips and small groups were the most beneficial to our own spiritual growth, as well as the impact that we could have on those outside of the church. House Church is in many ways a hybrid of mission trip and small group combined.

Then God started to lead me once again into church planting. I wrestled with him for some time over this, but ultimately submitted myself to Him and His leadership in my life. As I began to take steps toward following this leading, I began to ask God what kind of church he wanted me to plant. Through a series of events and conversations with many people that I know, love and trust God opened my eyes and heart to this new idea of “house church.” Many of these people had come from “normal” churches and many were still in “normal” churches. However, I began to simply know that God was leading me to start something new. It was new to me, anyway. God kinda started this a little while back in the book of Acts.

There is much more to tell. There are many more reasons. All of us in Life House Community have come with our own stories of how/why we are here. Why don’t you come and get to know us and hear our stories for yourself? Maybe you’re story will overlap with ours and we’ll spend some time on this journey of life together, discovering what it means to be a simple expression of Christian community that brings glory to God by following Jesus.